a week ago
Hello everyone, has anyone here recently experienced the Genie game not working or the app continuously crashing? Even when playing, the Genie game feature doesn’t appear?
a week ago
I have the Same Problem.. can't use Game genie so can't use the Features and the airtriggers.. they must react fast!
a week ago
Same problem here 6d ultimate.
a week ago
Same here a few hours ago game genie stop to work, I'm one Rog6 and don't have game genie option to clear cache and delete date for him specifically, so I did it with armoury creat, I stopped the application cleared cache and delete data then immediately restart my phone. But nothing change the game genie is still not working. So I checked the firmware update just in case I saw an update I downloaded it install it but no, still no game genie working (merit I'm now with the last update and android 14, previously firmware update, android 13)
a week ago
i can't say for other rog series but mine work after i did mine. so what i did is open one of my game then enter phone settings the search for game genie open the app info disable it, force stop it, clear storage and cache, enable it again then back to the game again then it start like the first time it run. my game genie version is
a week ago
Did 5 time now and still not working on my Rog6