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My Phone reach 38°C while playing really fast

Star III

My phone reach 38°c really fast while playing and the Battery It doesn't last long. I left the house at 8:30 with 94% and now it's 15:53 ​​and it's already at 64% and I've barely used it... Do you think there might be a defect?


Not applicable

/Setting/System/option for reset/then full reset(Factory Reset)

But save you DATA first

You mean here?

Not applicable

Yes the last is your point

Ok. I was thinking... Is it possible that it is that hot because the room temperature here is 28°?

Not applicable

Yes this is possible 3-5° more then room temp is ok

But your battery consume with 60 hz on ultra save mode is to high

And when cpu never stop to switch mhz in ultra save mode then is a problem