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Asus ROG 6 Camera issues

Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Asus ROG 6
Firmware Version: Android 12
Rooted or not: Not rooted
Frequency of Occurrence: Always after update update 32.2810.2208.163
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Camera app
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I wanted to record something and all of a sudden the camera start to behave abnormally with a lot of ticking sounds...
This happened after the update, I have uploaded a short screen capture of this behavior, hoping anyone can help or at least Asus would patch this problem...
youtu .be/VpL7vi9wQRs
Please help, the phone is less than a month old...

That's the entire schtick of the sony, clean, efficient and fast. No need for bloated services taking up performance and adding difficulty when owning the phone for multiple years. You can still customize your phone by adding whatever launcher etc. you want.
The big things that sony has going for them is the camera software and the tuning you have in terms of sound/display. Anything else is stock and just works, if you want features and tons of services that soak battery off your phone buy a samsung.

As for your Rog camera bug, it's exacly as you pointed out, warm it up a bit, maybe some gaming, long recording or similair and the bugwill apear. You can up the anti and just keep recording until the circuit kills itself entirely.

Can't adjust the saturation of the display, which feels rather dull for me, nor can I assign a hardware button shortcut to open opencamera instead of the default photopro. Props for not locking out the zoom lense like samsung does tho.

Samsung is working hard to beat apple when it comes to under-the-hood anti-consumer practices, like de-facto restricting useful repair. I don't want to give them any money.

I handed the asus back today, hopefully they won't make it more difficult that this thing should be. I did also attach the videos of the problem via link and QR code printouts.

The issue has been reported to the R&D Team.

Star I
Hoping it's a software issue. Initially the camera worked fine until the pictures started flipping and having the blue tinted filter. And now, the camera just doesn't start up... Instead I just hear clicking noises. The front camera is operating as I have got face unlock on. But yea...
Bought the phone from Singapore and I live in Bangladesh. Idk what to do....

Hall of Fame I

It's not like I said that its a hardware issue explaining the exact cause since the beginning or anything.
What I'm more interested in if this is actually getting fixed or they again just shove the same part in hoping that it will die later again for easy cashgrab like they do on the Rog5 defects.