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Wi-Fi stopped working on ROG 5s

Rising Star I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: ROG 5S
Firmware Version: 31.0810.1226.114
Rooted or not: NO
Frequency of Occurrence: ALL THE TIME
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): WI-FI
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.

Wi-Fi stopped working after rebooting 24 hours ago. Help to solve. Rebooted many times throughout the day. Whats the solution?

Star I
My phone wifi and hotspot stopped working after recent update today
Model Name: ROG 5
Firmware Version: 31.0810.1226.128
Rooted or not: NO
its out of warranty .
i have restarted and resetted the phone as well but wifi is still not turning with hotspot showing errors

Star II

My phone WiFi and hotspot suddenly stopped working

Model Name: ROG 5

Firmware Version: 31.0810.1226.128

Rooted or not: NO

Frequency of Occurrence: ALL THE TIME

APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): WI-FI and hotspot

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visit your nearest service center in case you want to get it done free ( valid only if the phone is under warranty) or they might charge you, so if your phone is not under the warranty please talk with customer service and request them for free repair 😕

Star II

My phone WiFi and hotspot suddenly stopped working

Model Name: ROG 5

Firmware Version: 31.0810.1226.128

Rooted or not: NO

Frequency of Occurrence: ALL THE TIME

APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): WI-FI and hotspot

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I guess everybody is facing this issue now you will have to go to the service center that is what the customer support will suggest you

Hello, pracheesoley1997  and Avnish .
I have PM you for confirming Wi-Fi issue details.
Could you please check the top right corner of the screen and kindly share the requested information in the PM inbox?
Thank you.

Star III
Same issue bro.

Asus should stop putting this update after knowing its causing issues. I am going to start a lawsuit against you. My 7 month phone doesn't have wifi now. I will be without a phone while you figure out how to fix it. Shame. Never buy ASUS. They always have motherboard issues. From Lamborghini laptop in 2008 to my current dual screen laptop. 1000's USD for waste.

I was going to buy ASUS rog 6 for my bro. No bloody way I am giving any money to this shabby company.