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About phone profile pic issue

Rising Star II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: rog 5
Firmware Version: 196
Rooted or not: not
Frequency of Occurrence: always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): about phone
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
Hi team...when i keep profile pic in my info it shows the same pic in about phone...but now it shows a theme accent color circle instead of the pic in abt phone...pls find it in screenshot attached
I read in 196 firmware changelog that this has been fixed...but it isn't

Star III
At this point that is the least concern you should have 😂😂... People are facing wifi and Hotspot issues.. other facing hard brick and air triggers issue..

However they mentioned in last update that they fixed it but yet it's not fixed

Community Legend II
Hi Sibi,
Checking the same. Will revert back.

Rising Star II

At this point that is the least concern you should have 😂😂... People are facing wifi and Hotspot issues.. other facing hard brick and air triggers issue..

However they mentioned in last update that they fixed it but yet it's not fixed

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Yaa bro that's why I pointed it was mentioned as fixed in changelog

Rising Star II

Hi Sibi,

Checking the same. Will revert back.

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Okay...and what abt the theme accent color bug unsaid u will check and revert last week...any news on that?