10-12-2022 05:19 AM
10-27-2022 09:49 PM
10-27-2022 10:27 PM
olisandaysnice the last update is on november apparently that means thats the last security update. And it doesnt look like ASUS has any intention of giving us developers any tools to compile ROMS with their services to run airtriggers etc. They probably want to make the Rog3 obsolete on a software level to make is buy the junk that is the Rog6.I heard rog 3 can support security update for 4 years, is it true?
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11-02-2022 12:51 AM
Danishbluntneed a little help. what is the best phone for streaming with elgato.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/234659#Comment_234659
snice the last update is on november apparently that means thats the last security update. And it doesnt look like ASUS has any intention of giving us developers any tools to compile ROMS with their services to run airtriggers etc. They probably want to make the Rog3 obsolete on a software level to make is buy the junk that is the Rog6.
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11-02-2022 04:20 AM
olisandayDont exist, all phones have the limitation unless a developer has unlocked it. I think some samsung kernels have unlocked it on those phones iirc. As long you can find a custom kernel that allows you to you can stream at high refreshrate.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/234664#Comment_234664
need a little help. what is the best phone for streaming with elgato.
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11-02-2022 08:32 AM
olisandayRog Phone 2: flawlessly 120fps 1080p streaming with Elgato 4K60 Pro MK.2.https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/234664#Comment_234664
need a little help. what is the best phone for streaming with elgato.
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