08-14-2020 03:52 AM
09-21-2020 07:11 PM
MVAnd no before it went to 60hz in low brightnesshttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/115274#Comment_115274
Really. Wasn't it working before on 144hz.
Hmm. Keep consoling yourself as money is now long gone.😄😄😄. And how many oled phones have you used lately.
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09-21-2020 08:01 PM
zainkim2019The red tint is only found on the interface or when displaying control buttons in the videohttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/115694#Comment_115694
So your basically saying that it is really a hardware problem cuz its not going to be 100% gone.... And your adding a red tint issue on top of black crush issue that makes users more annoyed....
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09-21-2020 08:18 PM
09-21-2020 10:19 PM
09-21-2020 10:27 PM
wojtekmarchewkaReally it's a bummer 👎. The fact that they don't have a pinned post for this is making me really cringy. They can share their findings and make a post to clear out the air a little. Just acknowledging without highlighting won't be of much help to anyone. Display is major component, therefore major issue so accept it.I have a company and I am an electronics seller in Poland, including Asus RoG Phone 3 (previously Asus Rog phone 2, I sold several hundred units). I'm worried about these screen problems. While Rog 2 only had problems with the red color in the interface and greyish elements, it did not bother that much. Black in Rog 2 is perfect at 120hz refresh. Interestingly, on the Polish website of Asus, there are no new updates, the last one is from 03/08/2020
Will Rog 3, after all updates, have a screen similar to Rog 2 in black quality?
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