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ROG 3 suffers from heavy black crush issue

Star III
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name:ROG
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not:not
Frequency of Occurrence:QKQ1.200419.002. WW_Phone-17.0823.2007.25
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):netflix,amazon prime india ,youtube(little bit)
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
I have brought device August 12 ,2020 through flipkart first sale at 6auhust. I was very happy until i open netflix ,it has vert bad black crush issue even at full brightness ,in 50pecent brightness colour washed out heavy black crush issue is this hardware or software issue??anyway im just gonna refund ....but i asked some of YouTubers they have none issue ,but for fellow customers only have this😓. I decided to live with this but some of units have no issue why i wanna live with this issue for years so i try to get refund and but 12gb varient.
In YouTube crush issue is little low when compared to netflix and amazon prime ,rather than that this dev is beast 😍
I have noticed heat in aero active coller side(40°to43°) always while playing pupg at 90hz,balanced,extream . although I'm staying in AC room 22°c all time!


993 REPLIES 993

Zen Master I

I'll buy popcorn to see which side wins.

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Well it's not really heated or amusing since there is no drama and I'm just messing around,but feel free to read,I'm also enjoying myself on this forum lol

Rising Star II

Well it's not really heated or amusing since there is no drama and I'm just messing around,but feel free to read,I'm also enjoying myself on this forum lol

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Got any update on blackcrush fix?

Star III

This is the only render I've seen of the "next rog", its probably fake as the rog phone wouldn't not have bezels, plus it's the Tencent version, not the WW version AND IT'S A STILL JUST A RUMOUR. The website it's from even says so.

Do some research before cracking the sads

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it's not about the render it's about the stuff that ASUS ignored rog 3
they already have certification showing it will have 65w charging if u don't own a rog 3 then shut up and if u do then u are just plain dumb or maybe u are filthy rich same thing.

Hall of Fame I

So all you do is play games and fool around wasting time.. all the while expecting others also to do the same.. watching you fooling around hoping everyone to be same as you good for nothing typ

Saw your channel... With max views not exceeding 50 and video likes even half of that.. with highest view video being not Even your own creation..

Surely have bought the phone with your dad's money.

Plz child, keep this a healthy community and stop disrespecting others. Let users complain about their issues. They are suffering enough without you bossing around.

People like you in forums such as these only taint the company image. I am using Rog phones from the 1st gen and Wouldn't have bothered to intervene but you are a real bully.

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I find it hilarious how you talk about wasting time, yet you spend time to showcase the internet how mentally disabled you can act.
Trying to diss someone based on youtube views is kinda WeirdChamp to begin with. It's like watching a kid yell at another kid because he disagrees which dad is stronger.
The fact that you're obviously not making a lot of money and couldn't be bothered to do research before purchasing a phone and then vent on forums showcases perfecly how dumb you actually are.
Also a random user on a forum who has no connection to the company in question "tainting" the image of a company literally makes zero sense, then after attempting your extremely pitiful disstrack you're calling the user in question a bully.
I can't tell if you're actually that dumb or if you're trolling, either way i rate 5.5/10

Hall of Fame I

Now now...let's not make it personal. We all know some people and most often the most active people here are most often the least useful ones in their real lives. But don't need to hurt their feelings. Let them do what they can..

For the ones feeling to giveup on asus for black crush and other issues consult your local service center. No help will be offered here brothers

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The fact that you imply that most active users is equal useless in real life makes one wonder if you're mentally stable. Not only that but you expect 3rd party service centers to magicially solve an issue that have no programming experience whatsoever. It's like going into mcdonalds expecting car repairs.
The low IQ presented by some people here in this forum is beyond amazing.