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Lack of VoLTE/IMS registration in Australia

Zen Master I
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: rog phone 3
Firmware Version: .131
Rooted or not: not rooted
Frequency of Occurrence: since getting the phone
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
Because what I wrote didn't get added for whatever reason 🙃 I'll be brief.

Please add volte in Australia. A lot of people have asked. Custom ROMs have it, my account has it activated, the stock rog software doesn't for whatever reason and the most basic $120 aud phone does (the rog 3 costs $1600 aud here).

How is it that a "flagship" doesn't a feature that cheap telco branded phones do?.
If it gets added with android 11 that's fine, but a little transparenty on when updates are coming or what features will be getting added would go *quite* along way with the users in the forums.
I know it's probably something big to add (I know it isn't, I've worked on custom ROMs before) so please *anything* about this issue is better than radio silence
@Gustav_ASUS @Christine_ASUS @ARP

Star III
I've been asking for Australian VoLTE support for months now. It's beyond a joke ASUS! It is super easy to add VoLTE support in Australia so please hurry up and do it. Even $100 phones have it here and your flagship ASUS ROG phone 3 doesn't...pathetic!!

We are loyal, paying customers so please implement support.

Zen Master III
Well said guys just because we don't have the population of say the US or Asian and European countries we still pay a sh#tload for our phones so for God's sake do something about it

Rising Star II
In Europe we do not have the VolTE activated either, in particular I am from Spain, and I have also requested it to be enabled here, and nothing .. I cannot understand it .. it is not a question of Australia, Europe etc .. For some reason I do not They activate massively (in the words of Asus it is more difficult than it seems ...) anyway ... I don't know what they are waiting for to activate it.

Community Legend III
@botboy444 @Jakeo @Roystoys VoLTE for Australian carriers like Telestra and Optus has aldready been requested by other users and the feedback has been passed on. Same goes for the Spanish carriers already mentioned by @Jesp.r. I'm closing this thread for now.