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Forum Posts

Solução para falha das Câmeras Frontal/Traseira (Zenfone 2 Laser)

Model: ZE550KLRAM: 2GFirmware/APP Version: ORIGINALFrequency of Occurrence: SEMPRERooted: YesAPP Name: Constamente falham as câmeras/lanterna do celular, porém, eu uso o S.O LineageOS 16.0 e ao dar boot no TWRP e executar o Wipe Cache Dalvik as Câmer...

Virus in app Go2Pay

Model: ZE553KL(Zoom)RAM: 4GBFirmware/App Version: WW_80.30.76.49_20181102Location: Frequency of Occurrence: Rooted: NoApp Name: Go2Pay.apkDescription: when I scanned the phone with dr. web, it finds in /system/app/Go2Pay/Go2Pay.apk....

Bluetooth start automatically

Model: ZE552KLRAM: 2GBFirmware/App Version: WW_80.30.76.49Location: Poland / EUFrequency of Occurrence: Rooted: NoApp Name: Description: ?After recent updates (Google Assistant PL version?) Bluetooth started to start automatically. Is there any advic...

When will bugs be resolved?

Model: ZE520KLRAM: 4GBFirmware/App Version: DefaulthLocation: ItalyFrequency of Occurrence: DefaulthRooted: NoApp Name: SystemDescription: Zenfone 3 ZE520KL Presents several problems that it would be time to correct: 1 the alarm does not sound from t...

xzj8b3 by Star I
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Skipped repeating alarm yesterday and it doesn't set off today

Model: ZE520KLRAM: 3GBFirmware/App Version: Frequency of Occurrence: Many timesRooted: NoApp Name: ClockDescription: I have set repeating alarm at 07:15 on weekdays. When I wake up at 07:10 yesterday, I skip the alarm using t...

Everytime I try to turn up the volume

Hi guys, I get this error everytime I try to turn up the volume awhile casting something on my Chromecast. I thought a update would fix this eventually but It's been this way for months now.

media storage

saya terdelete media storage.dan sms saya x dapat di buka.macam mana nak dapatkan media storage untuk handphone saya?

replacement screen spoiled again in less than a year

Description: i've gotten the screen replaced and less than a year it is spoiled again. now the screen has loss resolution, flickers white on and off and has became dark. asus really ...