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Armoury crate problem

Star I
System: Windows 10
Battery or AC:
Model: fx505gt
Frequency of occurrence: every day
Reset OS:
Screenshot or video:
Detailed description:Like on screenchot my armoury crate don't give me info about cpu. All drivers are updated , please help

Star I

Hello mikoajkorth,

May I have the version of your Armoury Crate APP, Armoury Crate Service and ROG live service?

Was the device repaired or install any extra RAM or hard disk before ?

May you try this Armoury Crate & AURA Creator Installer from below link?

Thank you.

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I've tried to reinstall but i can't install again this software also my lapop started to overheating after 1 month of using that's so dissapointing

Community Legend II
Hello mikoajkorth,
How is everything now?
May you help to reboot the device, and then do not open Armoury Crate.
Connect the device to internet, and the run Windows update, meanwhile waiting for about 5 minutes,
then open Armoury Crate to see if you can see the CPU frequency?
Thank you.