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How can I rejuvenate my Zenfone 8's USB C port

I've got a Zenfone 8 that's been going strong for the last 2 years, and I don't plan to upgrade immediately if I can help it. But just like my previous phone (Pixel 4a), my USB C port is becoming very loose and while some cables are very difficult to...


如題,近期在這兩個韌體版本中使用AI智慧桌布功能時,等待圖片產生的過程有機率會造成手機系統短暫卡死沒辦法使用,我也有遇到System / 系統崩潰,是否等候或關閉的視窗。我自己測試下來的觀察是,假如一段時間沒使用AI智慧桌布功能,就有機率會發生這情況,當發生的時候,背景播放的音樂跟影片都會停止。我有錄製到短暫卡當的LOG檔,麻煩小編交給後端分析,我不知道是不是手機記憶體因為使用AI功能而吃滿造成的(本人使用12G/256GB),或是其它原因,謝謝。(Log檔已下載完畢,連結先移除)另外,介面中的...

koro182 by Rising Star II
  • 2 replies
  • 0 kudos

Unlock bootloader

Stop lying to your fans Asus. And restricting important features, such a powerful phone with no way to unlock bootloader, and you expect the community to be happy and buy it. Am actually new to using an Asus phone. Bought it yesterday and am refundin...

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