Star II
since ‎07-14-2020

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  • 11 Posts
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Hi, my Zenfone 6 is going crazy. Sometimes, when it is in standby, it suddenly exits standby mode and displays the "power off menu" and without anyone touching it returns to standby. Then start over with the power off menu. keep doing this several...
Nome del modello: Zenfone 6Versione del firmware: WW_18.0610.2106.156Con permessi di root abilitati (si/no): NoFrequenza di occorrenza del problema: Improvvisa e saltuariaSalve, il mio Zenfone 6 sta impazzendo. Ogni tanto, quando è in stand by, impro...
Hi,can I disable fast charging?Tks
Hello. Does anyone explain to me how the choice of battery charging intervals works or how it should work? I set a time slot and connected the charger. The battery has recharged as if nothing had happened, not caring about the set time intervals. I'm...
how should "smart volume" work? even with the function activated, if I am in a silent place or at night, the ringer starts blaring. it is also not notified that the function is active.
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