Star II


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Good evening, is it not possible to change the color of the incoming call? I don't like that teal color. I preferred like in rog 5, where you could choose the colors and the effect. Even the light reflection "incoming call", could at least change col...
Buonasera, ho notato che è uscita la nuova versione 14. Si può farla o è piena di bug? Build stabile? Già ha un sacco di problematiche questo telefono nonostante il costo, mi trovavo meglio con il 5. 
1. Model Name: Asus Rog Phone 72. 33.0820.0810.241 | Android 133. Rooted or not: No4. since I bought the phone (1 month ago)5. Headset problem with bluetoothWhen I lock the phone (sleep) or it automatically locks, the bluetooth connection is lost. Be...
1. Model Name: Asus Rog Phone 52. 33.0210.0210.235 | Android 133. Rooted or not: No4. Two Weeks5. Wallet Google Payments ConcatlessHi, conclatess payments haven't been working for 2 weeks, when I open the Google wallet app and place the phone on the ...