Star II
since ‎01-27-2022
2 weeks ago

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  • 10 Posts
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Same issue as described in here .Moved from Zenfone 8 Android 13 to Zenfone 10 Android 14 and whenever WiFi is on - some applications won't work.E.g. - WhatsApp chat backup and Google System backup stop and resume only when I switch WiFi off. Several...
For Zenfone 11 -1. Add Support for eSIM2. Utilise ultrasonic on-display fingerprint reader.3. Commit to 5 years of Android upgrades and support.
In Settings > Advanced > Smart Key > 'Press and hold' -Please make sure to add same options as in 'Press twice'.Reasoning: I want to be able to launch AND start the following:Video recordingVoice recordingSo one would be on the 'Press twice' and the ...
Zenfone 8 Android 12 build 31.1010.0411.89WiFi Scanning and Bluetooth Scanning on turned off on Settings -> Location -> Location Services.However, Wi-Fi Scanning is turned back on occasionally (toggled). I couldn't so far identify the chain of action...
Settings - Advanced - Mobile Manager - Cleanup - Uninstall rarely used appsDoes anyone knnow how to uncheck this option (see attachment)?Apps are unistalled automatically from my phone and I can't control or track it...