Star II


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Two days ago i upgradet my Z8 from A12 to A13. Two days was all ok and now i have problem with my Bluetooth handsfree on my car. All is pair, incoming call ringing, i wud like incoming call recieve, this become but incoming call is connected about 1 ...
Dear Asus, I got my 4th phone from you. The last 2 pieces from the premium segment, but unfortunately I'm very disappointed . Android 12, what you put in the zenfone 8 is one big tragedy. Freezing top bar, crashing UI, high battery consumption, bad f...
Hi, I have a problem. After switching to Android 12, when I listen to music through wired headphones with the same settings, the music is not as rich and full as on system 11. It's kind of flat, lacks bass. Has anyone noticed this? I think the sound ...