Rising Star II


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  • 0 頒發的積分
  • 66 獲得的積分


Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Max Pro M1Firmware Version: 0.87Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: NAAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): NAIm trying to move apps from phone storag...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: MPM1Firmware Version:. 87Rooted or not: NOFrequency of Occurrence: DAILYAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): NAMy phone is heating in Idle condition, while...
Android 9MPM1Build #. 087Recently I formatted my device due to slowness, now Gpay is not working seeing error. Attaching the same. Also even after formatting my issue not resolve slowness is there & now in Idle situation phone is heating. Please let ...
This is new issue observed. My phone when not in use (kept in Idle condition irrespective if day / night) is 24*7 hot. Almost even at night or day it is absolutely heated up. OS A9. 087 firmware version, MPM1. HOW TO solve this heating issue. I have ...
My mobile is suddenly freezing, hanging in between, also mobile is working slowly. DIY - I have cleanup all cache including system cache, uninstalled unwanted apps, formatted my phone. Still with this DIY mobile speed & freezing issue is not solved. ...