Falcon_ASUS我知道我們在問很多問題,但由於今年Zenfone 7 / 7pro並未在全球範圍內全面推出,因此也只是一個要求,而且華碩A11上只有4款設備需要更新很抱歉,目前未有 ZS620KL更新Android 11的相關資訊
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- Model Name: 5z
- Firmware Version:
- Rooted or not: not
- Frequency of Occurrence: forever
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): system
Time has come ASUS has started beta testing for 6z as its regular cycle why skip 5z as a flagship i personally feel 5z is best device ASUS has made till date with lesser hardware issues comparing 6z n rog series also 5z is most sold smartphone till date for ASUS in flagship range m happy with dedicated support till date for 5z and still ongoing for more few months
But as a flagship owner want to tell ASUS that is 5z really worth to be called as flagship 👇
1.No vowifi
2.No prime hd
4.No camera UI improvements even after Zenui 6
5.No dedicated nightmode for capable sensor in camera app
6.Touch panel stutters in games exists since Android 8 (which we and mods are still fighting to get fix from devs )
even after several requests since months from 5z users no hard push from ASUS for 5z users why? No requested features are seen
If thats fine not to give it to 5z owners than its ok
But to fill this huge gap can asus make us happy with surprising decision like more 6 months update cycle with implementations like atleast providing
*ZENUI 7 on Android 10 itself
*Android 11/R on top of ZENUI 6 itslef
I wish atleast ASUS will reconsider our request and justice 5z as a flagship before ending up support to 5z
@Christine_ASUS @CH_ASUS @Anders_ASUS @ARP_ASUS @Falcon_ASUS @STARRAIN_ASUS @Titan_ASUS @Y_ASUS @Kris_ASUS @Laura_ASUS @Gustav_ASUS @gabriel_prado @ga278057 @gabriel95
[5z] Justice to flagship, Atleast zenui 7 top of Android 10 OR Android 11 top of zenui 6
amitgarde3你指的大部分品牌為 Android one系統 所以有提供三年大更新 但5z並非Android one 系統 所以這的是不可行的https://zentalk.asus.com/zh/discussion/comment/142402#Comment_142402
在查看了最新消息後,許多品牌決定採用三年更新周期,包括三星,oneplus等。因此,我認為華碩需要改變其戰略以打動其品牌。 客戶還將5z作為迄今為止最暢銷的旗艦產品,可以期待著它的旗艦產品而無後顧之憂,並且在許多品牌面前仍然屹立不倒 就像我提到的那樣,只有擁有旗艦功能和支持並且仍不為華碩所擁有的旗艦產品,旗艦產品才能完美
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