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I had submitted my vivobook 15 laptop to asus ASC in November month to change the hinge.(the part connect laptop body and screen, since it had a hardware issue) Note:  My laptop had no issues, working with it since 4+ years.They have changed the hing...
I'm on Android 10 latest software. Up to date.I have formatted several times will my Rog 2 8gb model restarts often. I have network problem too. When I call someone it drops immediately. Once I restart then call connects.
Model Name: ROG 2Firmware Version: 17.0120.2103.75Rooted or not: not Frequency of Occurrence: always APP Name & APP Version (SBI YONO app I have this issue since many days I alwags keep updated my phone firmwares.SBI YONO APP automatically exits aft...
Model Name: ROG FirmwareVersion: LatestRootedor not: No. Why ROG 2 resale value is too less, it's only 20% of its original value. On the other hand similar specs android phones resale value is higher than this.
I have downloaded the seperate app to take HD Screenshots. Please improve the inbuilt screenshot feature.It takes only 200kb size of image please improve the quality of images I have tried to take screenshots in different settings such as JPEG and ...