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In the darker areas of image in low light or high contrast situations there is a pinkish or reddish pink hue which is very annoying degrading the image...plz fix it.....the camera has lot of potential .....and also plz improve edge detection in portr...
G cam is very bad....hangs ...crashes....plx fix it developers....the stock cam is so impressive that I can just imagine what photos will it deliver with gcam power
The ram management in my zenfone 6 is bad....till now it has showed a max free ram of 1.7 GB...although no background apps or games are running .....sometimes shows 765 mb ram free ..I am surprised how a flagship phone can have such  a ram issue
I noticed a bug.. in portrait mode after I have focussed on a subject and increase the exposure and try to take a photo the camera crashes everytime...I restarted the phone and repaeted buy still it crashes.there is no problem if I decrease the expos...