Rising Star II


  • 92 文章
  • 1 解決方案
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  • 70 獲得的積分


Android 14 will have new gpu drivers (vulkan 1.3) which will give performance boost. It's shameful if Zenfone 8 will only receive 2 android update versions
HiWhen i do smmi test for auto rotate sensor (GSensor Test), Z+ is filled when the phone is placed on flat surface, without moving it. There's something wrong. I also face issues with auto rotation. Sometimes it doesn't work or it's a bit slow. Other...
Please, we need it. All devices have it. Please Asus
Dear Asus, we need the dark toggle mode. Will you add it please? It's very useful. It's a nuisance to go into settings every time to activate dark mode. Other devices have it. Why we don't have it? Is it so difficult to implement it? It's just a togg...
Will you ever update the kernel for the new drivers OpenGL ES 3.2 V@464.0 and Vulkan 1.1.128?