Star III


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I had Rog phone 5 - The outcome of its short use is a breakdown that the service center could not fix. The problem was in the components. (Popular problem with wi-fi module)My friend having ASUS ROG 6 Global - Everything is great, he's having it like...
Guys, who installed the latest firmware, tell here what has changed and whether the behavior of the phone has changed please
Guys, I am very disappointed with the work of people who release firmware. I want to understand what to expect and whether to wait at all for an update or a solution to the ASUS A14 firmware problem. Let me know if they are even working on bug fixes ...
Guys, does anyone have information on the progress towards the release of the update ROG 7? What infuriates me is that when I click on Air Triggers In the game, of course, I move the finger I press, and they sometimes interrupt their work. It’s the s...
Hello, I'm not very experienced in specific ROG 7, but I need your stories on using this phone, some recommendations.1. Is there any point in upgrading until 0820.71? In general, are there any pros or cons?2. If i've understood right It's not safe to...