Rising Star I


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You launched your new model Zenfone 10 and you forgot Zenfone 9More than half of July has elapsed and no sign of the update, at least with this month's security patch. 
Model Name: Zenfone 9Firmware Version: WW-33.0804.2060.142Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):  Yesterday without any unusual use, my Zenfone 9 appeared with a stain on the screen,...
You can see all the messages that are in the forum, There are not a few users who have problems.You CANNOT be oblivious to that. It is unacceptable. You can't play blind Just start reading the forum, it's not very difficult. I have never been in a co...
This is a protest post, after being an Asus Zenfone 9 user for almost 8 months   It's disappointing that we don't have a decent firmware yet Many posts with errors. Reported for months and they never solve anything . This forum is full of errors post...
Model Name: Zenfone 9Firmware Version: ww_33.0804.2060.100oRoted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence: Playing Warzone Mobile APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Call of Duty Warzone Mobile_____________________________First of al...