I just bought a new Max about a week ago and noticed at picture review, after camera taken the picture, the screen "auto" dims down.Not sure if this is a software bug or common issue with this model.
I've just acquired a new zenfone 9. I've noticed the battery percentage reading started dropping quite quickly after an hour or so of general usage, scrolling the screen. I have been using zenfone phones and several models for many years. This batter...
Hi Ms Christine, thanks for your valuable inputs.I tried safe mode but still the same. I tired increasing the lightening to about 85% and the dimming effect seems much less noticable. So I can only conclude, in my opinion, the phone software has a "b...
Hi Ms Christine, thanks for your input.It is M2, ZB633KL.Yes. In camera app, it brightens up. But to me the dimming was "too much" until I'm unsure if the captured picture will turn out the same. If the brightness stays the same as the camera app, it...