@yukeyfourze @icaruscarzy666哈囉,依照 Sony 官網的
疑難排解 ,小編建議您:
1. 將 WF-1000XM3 的韌體更新到最新。
2. 更改 Sound quality mode
3. 選擇 AAC 的音訊轉碼器後再嘗試。請先連接耳機,接著進入開發人員選項,([設定] > [系統] > [關於手機] > [軟體資訊] > 點7下 [版本號碼] 即可開啟;接著再由 [設定] > [系統] > [開發人員選項] 進入),接著選擇 [藍牙音訊轉碼器] > [AAC] 後再試試
Because sound may cut out if there's wireless interference, turn off other nearby wireless devices.
The human body can block the antenna of the Bluetooth device causing sound to cut out. To avoid this, bring your headphones closer to your Bluetooth device.