Star III


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I almost got hearth attack. After updating to mentioned version my phone got boot loop. Was continusly displaying android nad ROG logo.I have plugged phone to charger and hold block button and then phone booted to home screen.Is there any QA with us ...
This is another camera thread....I have newest update installed. 34.0210.0210.260Camera:- is missing portrait mode- is missing front camera button- photos are blurry - For example I cannot my identity in ryanair app- when opening camera inside apps l...
Model Name: ROG Phone 6 16GBFirmware Version: WW_33.0610.2810.72Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: AlwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):  Native Camera App, have noticed strange noise on photos. I am...
Model Name: ROG Phone 6 16GBFirmware Version: WW_33.0610.2810.55Rooted or not: NOFrequency of Occurrence: ALWAYSAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Google Duo (and now Meet), Facebook MessengerHi,my family noticed that sometime...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:  Model Name: ROG Phone 6 16GB  Firmware Version: WW_32.2810.2208.165  Rooted or not: NO ROOT  Frequency of Occurrence: Sometimes & some always  APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relate...