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Hi, I used to use a Kunai 2 on my Rog Phone 3 but after some time (maybe an update) the controller it's not working anymore, unless in bluetooth mode. The bumper has a motherboard in the center area?
Quando effetto chiamate lo schermo non si oscura. È possibile andare in qualche settaggio e attivare questa funzione?
Hi, i recently received the Rog Phone 3 and I have installed on it the kunai gamepad 2 bumper. At first worked flawlessly but after some time seems like the bumper doesn't work anymore. The controller work in every way except in handled mode. Maybe i...
Hi, right now I own a ROG1 and the Kunai Gamepad 2. Clearly I can't map the kunai on the ROG1. Can I use the Kunai2 on the ROG3 and still mapping the buttons? I am not talking about the New Kunai Gamepad 3 and I would like not getting linked to some ...
Ho comprato questo telefono il mese scorso e non riesco ad aggiornarlo ad Android 9 ne automaticamente ne manualmente. Abito in Italia