Rising Star II


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So i find the squeeze feature to be a very nifty feature but get this. If you squeeze your phone from a locked state to activate the flashlight, the screen turns on as well and you'd have to actively press the power button to turn it off again (unles...
Was thinking of getting a full case like this for my phone since grip on this thing is almost non-existent (good job, R&D team).rog phone 3 case - Google SearchDoes anyone have this case or at least one that covers the entire back? I'm concerned my p...
Scenario: I'm still on an older A10 firmware (.99).My question is, once A11 is released and i decide to get A10's latest version, will ASUS still give me an option to do so or are they just gonna shove the A11 down my throat instead when i hit update...
In case anyone's still planning on buying it, DON'T! I own a pair and have been using them for months but now i just can't anymore. I can definitely confirm the sound quality is excellent but power consumption for the earbuds, however, is unreasonabl...
Anyone else get music disruptions on their BT earbuds when passing by/staying in certain locations? Particularly one that hosts many WiFi hotspots? I get this problem all the time whenever i walk past malls/hotels on my way to work. Turning off wifi ...