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Model: ZC600KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: .Frequency of Occurrence: .Rooted: NoAPP Name: . Last edited by DrewPh on 2019/7/10 18:44 I used this navigation gesture and noticed everytime im switching apps.. It's too laggy ( not smooth ) Hope will im...
Hi ASUS, i just want to share to you that we Zenfone 5Q users, totally regretted having this phone. For me experiencing the totally crap service from ASUS. A BAD SOFTWARE SUPPORT AND A BAD CAMERA SOFTWARE. I just want to say that i fully regretted ha...
Model: ZC600KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: .Frequency of Occurrence: .Rooted: NoAPP Name: .Keep on flashing on the screen even i dont hold the home button for google assistance
Good day, Moderators & Software DevelopersPlease work on camera improvements ;-Eis option-Night mode-Improve Camera softwre app performance Please upgrade software / update 9.0 OS
Hi Asus. Just wanna know about updates on ZenFone 5Q? Any updates?Thanks!