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Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: -Frequency of Occurrence: -Rooted: NoAPP Name: why is zenfone 5 ze620kl doesn't support arcore?
Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 105Frequency of Occurrence: every timeRooted: NoAPP Name: Audio Last edited by wirdanseptahudi on 2019/8/6 18:56 when i plug in my earphones to my phone and listen to binaural or 3D audios, i can't feel th...
Model: ZE620KLRAM: 4GFirmware/APP Version: 105Frequency of Occurrence: every timeRooted: NoAPP Name: Fingerprint Last edited by wirdanseptahudi on 2019/7/31 23:55 the fingerprint became slower and not as responsive as before update. The fingerprint...