Rising Star I


  • 77 文章
  • 0 解決方案
  • 0 頒發的積分
  • 15 獲得的積分


Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: asus 6zFirmware Version: ww_17.1810.2011.183Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: every timeAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates toIn addition to information above,...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name:Asus 6zFirmware Version:WW_17.1810.2009.176Rooted or not: noFrequency of Occurrence: not very frequentAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): camraIn addition ...
I use focus mode lot these days.. Its nice thing to have in your phone when you don't want to be distracted by your phone. The only problem in last some days I m facing is about its notification. Earlier when I used turn on focus mode, notification ...
Earphone output quality has changed.. Can't feel 3d songs on youtube... Please check in your phone.. Can you feel it?
I tried to calibrate the flip camera as per the direction given in settings.but it failed every time and trust me i have done many times.. In vertical calibration it's fine but in horizontal calibration it usually fails in 2nd ..iteration (as u noe f...