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Star II
since ‎07-07-2023

User Statistics

  • 5 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 2 Kudos received

User Activity

Is there a way to keep the screen on when the sensor is blocked?My screen timeout is 5m; flip to mute, pocket mode, and smart screen are all turned off. But if I cover the camera area or face the phone down it turns off after 5 seconds. This is reall...
Hi, so my Macro Background is not working correctly. I've tested and normal Macro works fine, Background mode works fine. When I chose the bg mode option from the Macro menu (the one that locks the screen after starting the Macro), it still worked fi...
The control sliders disappeared from my game genie. It was there when I first open the phone, but it has disappeared. 
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