Star III


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  • 28 獲得的積分


I'm really missing "Quick settings panel style" from Android 11 and Zenfone 8.I was just reading this article https://www.gsmarena.com/asus_zenfone_9_long_term-review-2519p3.php#image2 when I spotted that reviewer has this option on his Zenfone9:Why ...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone 9Firmware Version: was latest before it went deadRooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence: onceAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to ...
I've installed newest firmware yesterday, and the stock ASUS charger with stock ASUS cable stopped working!When I use the same charger with different cable OR different charger with the same cable - both works (but with "steady charging" only).What i...
There is a known issue with Zenfone8 bricking itself.I bought third-party backup program, but unfortunatelly it can only backup system settings on rooted phones...Could you please provide a way to export/import all system settings to a file?It will s...
Currently when phone is in "Bedtime mode" and notification arrives, notification led flashes.Could you please add option to "Bedtime" settings to enable/disable notification led?