Star III


  • 24 文章
  • 1 解決方案
  • 4 頒發的積分
  • 13 獲得的積分


After last update i can see that I have new notification (numbers) on icons but can not see and clear them by long press on icons
I want to be able to route audio output for one app to bluetooth/3,5mm jack while every other apps sounds are on the headset.Something similar to an Samsung's separate audio app...I  am requesting this feature again because of no feedback is there go...
Model: Zenfone 9 8GBFirmware: 33.0804.2060.142Not rooted---------------Greetings!After last update I get somehow often messages in online games for loosing connection. I noticed it often with WiFi connection.
I really want to be able to choose at least one app to be routed to different output(default,phone speaker,3.5mm,bluetooth). I would like to be able to add at least my phone as default output and some music app to be output to 3.5 or BT. So when I re...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: zenfone 9Firmware Version: ww_33.0804.2060.73Rooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence: APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information abov...