Star II
since ‎09-17-2019

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  • 12 Posts
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  • 14 Kudos received

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It is downloading right now. 7:45 AM Central time.
Otherwise my phone is about to become a paperweight in 120 days. I will probably wait a couple of months before I start seriously shopping for a replacement.
I can get sound and the commercials work perfectly, but I cannot get a picture. The app works fine on my Lenovo tablet.
With the update to Android 10 , I have been experiencing serious lag time between when I hit the camera button and when the phone takes a picture. It can take 5 seconds. It has been causing me to miss good pictures. Is any else having the same proble...
I'm in Oklahoma and have not received the update to Android Q. I've tried updating manually and my phone tells me no updates are available.
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