Rising Star II


  • 211 文章
  • 0 解決方案
  • 0 頒發的積分
  • 20 獲得的積分


Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone 6Firmware Version: 18.0610.2104.145Rooted or not:Frequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, plea...
Hi,I am observing a problem to be able to receive / send SMS messages on SIM 2 during a call on SIM 1. It is important to be able to receive messages while speaking for example for bank verification.Do you know the problem?@Anders_ASUS @LP_ASUS @Kris...
Hi,There is a bug in the led while charging the phone while it is off. The bug only occurs if the phone was turned off due to draining the battery. When charged, the LED does not change to green when reaching 100% in these specific circumstances.Re...
Hi,Take a selfie using the wide angle completely deforms the image.For normal photos it works fine.Is this operation correct? @Anders_ASUS Firmware .107
Hi,It's not actually on the screen, it's on the fingerprint sensor.You can fix it? @Anders_ASUS Thanks you