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when will asus rog phone 6 receive android 14?I submitted Join the Android 14 Preview Program!  few month ago, it says applications accepted wait for update.  there is not any security Update and firmware update for long time.last week the 'welcome t...
what is NTFS support for external storage on rog phone?  how to use ? 
is wifi calling disable in Rog phone 6 ?  or rog phone 6 not support wifi calling?  I tried everythig in seetings, and devereloper option cannnt find the it.is wifi calling enabled only when carrier support it?  I have checked some carriers like t-mo...
no internet after accidently click change band on phone information menu.  tried factory reset does not work.  wifi working, can out bound phone, but internet access. what to do?  
I get error using the unlock tool fail to to unlock  [24803].   I cannot find OEM unlock item in developer settings.how to solve that?