Zen Master I


  • 367 文章
  • 7 解決方案
  • 38 頒發的積分
  • 65 獲得的積分


Hi @Mattias_ASUS @Falcon_ASUS @Titan_ASUS currently on 1810.317. i noticed that the google play system is still stuck in Nov 2024. is there an error?
Hi all,i noticed that during a call, the ring sound can be heard. but when i change to speaker, the ring cannot be heard or sometimes it just gets intermittently cut off. However, when the person picks up the phone the voice can be heard normally. it...
Security patch is outdated.When is the next update? Delayed by a month already
I think the screenshot says it all.So after this update, we are now officially blocked from going back? and if i dont update, im stuck with a phone that has outdated security. not much of a choice huh
Hi @Mattias_ASUS Updated to .267. I noticed after updating to a14, this issue occur.Issue is still not resolved. I find my charging of phone being very fast despite having hyper steady charging being turned on. Your previous post  did not help as you...