Star III


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While playing music via Bluetooth music also plays through device speaker with very low volume.this thing is happening in playing music both from yotubemusic and google files.previously i didn’t noticed it but it appeared in 432 version of max pro m...
When will we get the stable update please clearify it,it will help the user to decide Whether they stay with this phone or move on with another.asus team please mention the timeline.we can’t bear the stress of another beta version and bugs,we reporte...
In A10 we can't use or access the file manager given by asus like in pie or oreo.IT IS NOT SHOWING IN THE APP DRAWER BUT IS THERE IN SYSTEM INSTALLED APPLICATIONS.google file manager is so glitchy,it doesn't shows the files which i recently downloade...
In android 10 there is no display colour option in settings like in pie.Default colour is set to little warmer which is good but should have given the option to users to set according to their preferences.And the brightness is low compared to oreo an...
My device is showing not certified in play protect certification from 429 version.recently i updated to 432 version but the issue still persists.done everything like clear cache,storage,wipe cache,safe mode and also done factory reset when i upgraded...