Star I
since ‎05-10-2019

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發問前請先協助提供基本資訊,例如:手機型號、軟體版本、問題現象、問題出現頻率、APP 名稱、已做過哪些疑難排解,以及錯誤截圖等等;敘述地愈詳細,其他人較能愈快提出建議和解答唷!========================================Max pro m1 602kl Android 9 version 063正常,升級至Andoid 10 version 424後,NFC sim卡 之icash2及一卡通無法使用,無root
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: 602klFirmware Version: 424Rooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence: alwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): In addition to information above, please al...