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Hi, I have a Zenfone 7 Pro which was updated with new Android 12 just 2 days ago, I use different bluetooth earbuds for music and to receive calls, before the udate those gadgets displayed their battery level when paired, however, after the update th...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Zenfone 7 ProFirmware Version: WW- or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above...
Hi there, I just would like to know if its possible to update my rooted Zenfone 7 Pro without losing all my data, I downloaded the official firmware from Asus website, but I'm not sure how to update, without flashing and wiping everythig.Please tell ...
Hey Guys, I was trying to setup my billing cycle so that I can have tracking of my data usage, but I can't find that option, under the wifi option I can't configure my data cycle, do you know how to do that?
Hi, Today I noticed when I was watching a white screen, under direct sunlight, a squared shadow, in the same position as in the picture below, have you guys noticed the same? I don't know whether it's a defect or something else. Obviously, I was hard...