Rising Star II


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So recently i ported my sim from vi to jio and i checked out the wifi calling option in settings.i enabled it and also i was connected to wifi yet it didnt display any wifi calling indication/icon. Anybody facing same problem ???@ARP_ASUS Is wifi cal...
Asus has strategically wasted 2 software updates by fixing there own single poor update.Samsung is better then Asus
Still no fixes on the issues i mentioned in this postSwarajBug 1. Theme not applied end to end.Bug 2. Occasional Ghost touch. (Temp fix - press power button to immediately lock the screen and then unlock it.)Bug 3. Cpu not locking resulting fps drops...
Bug 1. Theme not applied end to end.Bug 2. Occasional Ghost touch. (Temp fix - press power button to immediately lock the screen and then unlock it.)Bug 3. Cpu not locking resulting fps dropsBug 4. When watching videos by muting sound and then after ...
Or are there no plans for it yet?