Star III


  • 46 文章
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Is there any way to turn off my bluetooth visibility while connected to some other device like headphone or watch.
This is the issue i'm facing since very long. Most of the time even after disabling the second sim won't make any difference i have to put my phone on flight mode several time, and when i'm using hotspot i need to make sure my phone's screen is on ot...
After latest update my phone is heating so much after the latest update. I use my phone very minimal now a days as now phone is not performing like it was performing around 7 months back. Phone heats up so much after just 20 minutes of instagram or c...
I am facing it since a long time that my mobile data is not stable sometimes it disconnects and sometimes even mobile data is on it feels like my phone is not using the internet, to make it work i need to put my phone on flight mode several times. Ye...
Sometimes, when i turn on mobile data and start using any app requires internet, it actually does not use mobile data for too long or untill i put my device on flight mode several times. And randomly shows no internet even mobile data is on. This is ...