No improvemen after moderator's (Irene) suggestion. In fact it seems to get worse.My auto brightness was working fine(though not perfect) before the lastest firmware update.
se7en_teeshirt@Irene2_ASUS I am on There is no update with detected yet from my phone system.I have cleared the cache of WhatsApp, still no improvement.I have cleared the storage for my camera app, still no improvement.I ha...
Aryan202 what i've read that wifi and hotspot issue is due to some wifi chip issue partly due to the snapdragon 888(maybe something faulty with it)? Xiaomi sd 888 phone had a sim...
Updates from me (Ramdump #22)Received back my Z8 today (Exacrly 1 week in the service centre)Only Motherboard changedAll data erasedSomehow, my fingerprint scanning works perfectly now (was 3/10 and slow before ramdump)So far no abnormalities foundWi...