Rising Star II


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The pocket mode only prevents touches to the display itself, but if you touch the fingerprint sensor (without pressing the power button) it will still unlock the screen while in pocket.In my case I accidentally unlock my phone quite often when slidin...
There's an delay when switching apps until you can actually start interacting with the app as shown in the video. You always need to start scrolling a second time as the first interaction doesn't get recognized immediately after switching apps (It do...
I'd use AutoHz instead of 90hz to save battery life, but since it's impossible to customize which apps use 90hz it's totally useless for me.For example it uses 60hz on Reddit, Firefox and Twitter...It would be great If we could just customize AutoHz ...
In basically every battery test I've read (recent reviews, after initial updates) the ZF7 is doing worse than the competition with smaller battery's (like Mi 10 Pro) and sometimes higher refresh rates (like OP8, 8T)Can we expect further optimisation,...
Could we get an option to reset battery stats at 80%? Since we can set the charge limit to 80%, it would make sense that the battery stats reset when you reach that limit. Right now it only resets if you reach 90%