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I am using MAX PRO M2 device, currently running on 'Android 10 beta 2'.... it is nearly gone 9 months i'm using this Beta 2 version.... i had some major issues with this updates...Android 10 Beta 2 - is very handy and performer, bt these bugs are to ...
I am using MAX PRO M2 device, currently running on 'Android 10 beta 2'.... it is nearly gone 3 months im using this Beta 2 version.... i had some major issues with this updates...1 . WIFI connectivity - the devices connection losts several times fo...
Asus is just providing latest updates to Max pro m1 devices, why asus teams are not working on max pro m2 updates, why it is delaying the updates of MAX PRO M2 devices..........
Max Pro M2 - beta 2 carries several bugs...1. Im facing network issues frequently...2. Wifi reception capacity is very poor...3. Sound output quality from speaker and earpiece is very poor...Asus team must provide a better update with all the bugs fi...
When is Asus Team going to release the Stable Version of Andriod 10... for MAX PRO M2 deviceWHEN ??? ANY CONFIRM DATE ??? ANY HOPES ???