oh well almost 2 months since "the server" it's under maintenance this smells like locking devices with stock android software, don't you, it's a shame bcz it's my first time with Asus device and so far it's just bad, as bad as Motorola or no brand p...
Danishblunthttps://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/243520#Comment_243520Sadly there seem to be a lack of a proper gcam port. Those images you took look quite bad for the sensor in question, i've seen 200USD phones shoot better pictures. I susp...
Welp i just had 12 days with this device and i already love it, perfect size and good camera, bit definitely had gcam installed i it it's a must, the stock one it's soooo bad, oversaturated colors and sharpness at max but also the hardware it's aweso...