Rising Star I


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As the support has ended for zenfone 5z without providing any big and improved last firmware. So i want to know that which Custom ROM is best for 5z to stay updated as well as secure. Any Idea which is best? There are many out there.@Christine_ASUS @...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Asus Zenfone 5z (Z01RD)Firmware Version: WW_100.10.107.110_20201118Rooted or not: Not rootedFrequency of Occurrence: APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In...
From almost last 20 days I disable the google photos app, ut got disabled and then few moments later it got enabled by itself. Don't know why it is happening but completely frustrated now. And now aamod.v8 or any other mod will come and say not happe...
Hey there, @aamod.v8 @CH_ASUS @laura @Abhinav @amitgarde3 Now I started facing hotspot issue. I'm trying to connect it to my other phone. 5z is showing that hotspot is on. I cleared the cache, force stop the app, restarted the phone did the same ste...
After the last update in 5z, which is , phone is heating while charging, using social apps and playing games pubg, nobodies etc. It is completely heated up as i have to remove the charging and leave it for a while. 2nd thing is rear cam...