Star III
since ‎05-19-2021

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Sorry but after a usage of 1 year I can say that the Zenfone 8 compared to other phones which costs the half is a Rubbish Flagship. Hardware Problems, Software Problems always after an update. It doesn't matter where they came from wether Asus or 3rd...
During charging in the Night the Phone went off between 10pm and 1am.All efforts to restart the was unfortunately unsuccesfull.The Charging LED stays also off when i plug the original charger and cabel into the USB Port.I also tryied different other ...
Hallo zusammen,ich mache dann mal den Anfang.Bei meinem Zenfone 8 Fehlt bei Mobilcom Debitel im O2 Netz der Button um WifiCall einzuschalten.Wenn ich die Simkarte in mein altes Samsung S9+ stecke läuft alles wunderbar.Laut einer Admins im Englischen ...
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