Rising Star II


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As the title suggestsAsus - tell us which countries will have VOLTE support so that you no longer mislead usThanks
Not hanging my hopes on it happening, but I'd rather know now, than waiting for a phone that isn't going to do what I want later in the year - Instead ill just get a Xiaomi 11 Pro or maybe the next Blackshark as they always support VOLTE out of the b...
Looking to buy the Australian WW version of the Rog3. However, I need to know what carriers have support for VoLTE with this handset??Please help
Just a quick questionDoes Asus use different baseband versions for different locations in their WW rog 2 firmware???Ever since using the A10 Beta's ive had issues with 4G+.. My phone is a USA WW rog 2, 12/512 version. Should I be using the USA A...
I'm having a 4G speed issue with my WW ROG 2 on latest Beta.. If I switch to Airplane mode, then re-enable data, running speedtest straight after i get 220-240mb/s downloads.. After about 5 min and I run the test again (same servers, same location) i...